Current Documents and Articles list
Article # OS Description
20041012A FreeBSD Simple script to block attempted ssh logins/probes
20040205C Windows 98(SE) How to determine if Windows 98 TCP/IP stack is corrupted
20040205B Windows 98(SE) Windows 98 boots up to a blank screen
20040205A Windows 98(SE) Access Denied error when trying to run Windows 98 Control Panels
20030826A Windows XP Blaster Patch fails with "unable to verify file integrity" cryptographic service error
20021207A Windows XP How to get Internet Explorer to open windows maximized *every* time
20020313A FreeBSD How to Install FreeBSD...My way!
20010920A FreeBSD Mixed Mode CD Copying made easy
20010612A FreeBSD Web Appliance Filtering Cache Server (Hardware Build)
20010131A FreeBSD Keeping FreeBSD Stable
20001113A Linux Quick and Dirty CD Recording
20001108A Linux A guide to evading the MS tax! (Pictures Fixed!)
20001101A Linux Building your own Supercomputer

©2004-2020 Paul Boehmer